Being charged with a DUI is incredibly damaging to a person’s reputation and life, regardless of whether it’s their first, second, or repeat DUI. Unfortunately, the penalties a person can face for a second DUI in New Jersey are even harsher than a first offense, which is why if you are currently being charged with a second DUI, you must retain the services of a competent Mercer County second DUI lawyer at once. Our firm has fought on behalf of countless clients facing these charges over the years, and we are prepared to fight for you as well. Please continue reading and reach out to our firm to learn more about second DUI charges in New Jersey and how we can help if you are facing them. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are the penalties for a second DUI in New Jersey?
If you are convicted of driving while under the influence of alcohol for a second time in New Jersey, you can expect to face a wide array of consequences. Just some of the penalties for these charges are as follows:
- You will have to do 30 days of community services
- You will be required to install and use the ignition interlock device in your vehicle for anywhere between one and three years, at your own cost
- You will have to pay a fine anywhere between $500 and $1,500, as well as an MVC surcharge of $1,000 for three years
- You will most likely lose your driver’s license for two years
- You may go to jail for anywhere between 48 hours and 90 days
- In some cases, courts may allow a person to spend 48 hours in an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center in lieu of 48 hours of jail time
What should I do if I am charged with a DUI in New Jersey?
If you are charged with a DUI, the smartest thing you can do is reach out to a competent Mercer County criminal defense lawyer. Our firm has extensive experience combatting DUI charges on behalf of our clients, and we have what it takes to do the same for you. Depending on the circumstances of your arrest, we can choose from a wide array of potential defenses. We will assess your case and determine the best path forward in an effort to have your charges mitigated, or, in the best cases, entirely dropped. If you have any further questions or need competent legal assistance, give us a call today.
Here at the Law Office of Douglas Herring, we believe that everyone accused of a crime is entitled to due process. No one facing a criminal matter should proceed without a competent attorney on their side. We are here to listen to your case, determine the best strategy going forward, and fight for your rights. Contact us today so we can get started.