Mercer County Assault Defense Lawyer

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Mercer County Assault Defense Lawyer

An assault charge can put a person behind bars for months, or even years, which is why if you’ve been charged with simple assault or aggravated assault, you should speak with a competent Mercer County assault defense lawyer as quickly as you can. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring to learn more about the consequences of these charges and how we can help shield you from them.

Do I Need a Mercer County Assault Defense Lawyer?

Oftentimes, people are wrongfully accused of assault when they were merely defending themselves or another person from an assailant. Regardless of the circumstances of your assault charge, you should understand that it is in your best interests to proceed only with a Mercer County criminal defense lawyer on your side. Fortunately, you’re in the right place.

Simple Assault Charges in New Jersey

In New Jersey, “simple assault” is loosely defined as when someone either attempts to cause or does cause bodily injury to another through purposeful or reckless action. You should note that even threatening another with an imminent bodily injury can qualify as a simple assault charge. As with many criminal charges, there are different types and degrees of assault charges here in New Jersey. The two primary types of assault charges are simple assault and aggravated assault. In New Jersey, if you are convicted of simple assault, which is a disorderly persons offense, you will face up to six months of incarceration and a potential $1,000 fine.

Aggravated Assault Charges in New Jersey

A person may face aggravated assault charges if certain aggravating factors are present in the commission of an assault. For example, if a person assaults another with a deadly weapon, such as a firearm, he or she will most likely face an aggravated assault charge. If you are convicted of aggravated assault in New Jersey, you can expect to face up to 10 years of incarceration and a potential $150,000 fine. You should also note that those found guilty of aggravated assault in New Jersey will be subject to the New Jersey No Early Release Act. This means that you will have to serve at least 85% of your jail or prison sentence before you are eligible to even request parole.

Contact a Mercer County Assault Defense Lawyer

Are you facing assault charges in New Jersey? You need a knowledgeable Mercer County assault defense lawyer who has significant experience handling these cases. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring today to schedule your free initial consultation with our seasoned criminal defense firm.

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