Mercer County Theft Lawyer

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Mercer County Theft Lawyer

Those facing theft crime charges can expect imprisonment, high fines, and the overall loss of their freedom, which is why it is so important that you speak with an experienced Mercer County theft lawyer at once. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring today to learn more about theft crimes in New Jersey and how we can help if you’ve been charged with one.

Mercer County Theft Lawyer | On Your Side

Attorney Douglas Herring is a Mercer County criminal defense lawyer who will help you fight your theft charges. Mr. Herring is a former prosecutor in State and Federal Court. He will review your case and work with you to determine a plan to give you the best defense possible.

Determining the Degree of Theft Crimes in NJ

In New Jersey, the degree of the theft crime is determined usually by the value of the stolen items under New Jersey Statute 2C:20-2. In most cases, if the value stolen is $75,000 or more, it is considered a second-degree crime. If the amount stolen is more than $500 and less than $75,000, it is considered a third-degree crime. It is a crime in the fourth degree if the stolen amount was over $200, and, finally, the theft is considered a disorderly person’s offense if the value is less than $200.

In addition, the law allows that the value of separate thefts can be aggregated, or added together, to create a higher total theft. As long as the separate thefts were committed in one scheme or course of conduct, the amounts may be added together to form a larger total amount. For example, a person stole a $400 television and, a few hours later, tried to steal a $250 DVD. Both the TV and the DVD were worth less than $500, but together the value is over $500 and the person was charged with a third-degree crime.

In addition to the value, the law sets the degree of the theft crime based on the property stolen, as follows:

Second Degree

  • Taken by extortion;
  • A person with a fiduciary duty and loss of over $50,000;
  • More than one kilogram of a controlled dangerous substance;
  • Over $75,000 of federal or state benefits;
  • Human body or parts;

Third Degree

  • Motor vehicle, boat, or airplane;
  • Firearm;
  • New Jersey Prescription Blank
  • Horse or pet;
  • Taken from victim’s person
  • Less than $50,000 from a person with a fiduciary duty.
  • Less than one kilogram of a controlled dangerous substance;
  • Less than $75,000 of federal or state benefits;
  • Taken by a threat;
  • Public record;
  • Research materials;
  • Access device;
  • Anhydrous ammonia to make methamphetamine.

These items are special exceptions to the general rule that the value of the theft determines the degree of the crime. For example, a pickpocket takes a wallet from the victim’s pocket. The wallet is worth ten dollars and the victim only had four dollars in the wallet and a used movie ticket. The total value is far less than $200, so this would be a fourth-degree crime; however, taking it from the victim’s person makes it an automatic third-degree crime. With only this list of exceptions, the general rule in New Jersey is that the value of the theft determines the degree of the crime.

Contact a Mercer County Theft Lawyer

Mr. Herring handles cases in New Jersey Courts, including Middlesex, Somerset, Mercer, Monmouth, and Hunterdon counties. Our Mercer County theft lawyer will go to court, work to get you released from custody, and explain to the judge why you should not be held in jail. From here, he will fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring to schedule your free initial consultation.

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