Mercer County Violent Crime Lawyer

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Mercer County Violent Crime Lawyer

If you are accused of committing an act of violence against another person and have been charged with a crime, you need an aggressive Mercer County violent crime lawyer who you can trust. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring today to learn more about the penalties for violent crimes in New Jersey and how we can help you fight them at every turn.

Should I Hire a Mercer County Violent Crime Lawyer?

Depending on the type of violent crime you’re charged with, your entire future may be on the line. No one facing charges of this magnitude should do so alone. Our Mercer County criminal defense lawyer is here to fight for you. Our firm can work to have the consequences of your charges mitigated, or, in the best case, dropped altogether.

Penalties for Violent Crimes in New Jersey

As you can imagine, there are a wide array of crimes that could be considered “violent crimes.” These crimes range in nature and severity, and their consequences, upon conviction, reflect this. Crimes are broken down into “degrees” in New Jersey, with the harshest crimes being first-degree crimes, and the least harsh, fourth-degree crimes. That being said, some examples of each degree of crime in New Jersey, as well as their potential penalties, are as follows:

  • Fourth-Degree Crimes: Aggravated assault is considered a fourth-degree crime in New Jersey. Upon conviction for a fourth-degree crime in New Jersey, you may face up to 18 months of incarceration, as well as a potential $10,000 fine.
  • Third-Degree Crimes: Some examples of third-degree crimes in New Jersey include arson, criminal sexual contact, and endangering the welfare of a child. If you are convicted of a third-degree crime, you can expect to face up to five years of incarceration and a potential $15,000 fine.
  • Second-Degree Crimes: Some examples of second-degree crimes in New Jersey include robbery and sexual assault. Upon conviction, you may face up to 10 years of incarceration and a staggering fine.
  • First-Degree Crimes: Aggravated sexual assault, armed robbery, and murder are all examples of first-degree crimes in New Jersey. If you are convicted of a first-degree crime, you can expect to face up to 20 years of incarceration and a staggering fine, among other criminal penalties.

You should understand that certain first-degree crimes may warrant even harsher penalties, and can at times even warrant life imprisonment. If you are currently facing any of the aforementioned charges, you need an experienced Mercer County violent crime lawyer on your side.

Contact a Mercer County Violent Crime Lawyer

Have you been charged with committing a crime of violence? Are you currently facing serious criminal penalties? Our firm is here to help. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring today to schedule your free consultation with our legal team.

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