5 of the Craziest Celebrity DUI Stories

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A DUI arrest is no laughing matter. You can lose your license for a long time, or even permanently if you are a repeat offender. It can also land you in jail with a permanent record. Besides the inconvenience of losing your driving privileges or jail time, the financial impacts are enormous. Additionally, it can cause embarrassment for you and your family. No one wins when you drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

If you spend any time watching the news or reading the papers, no doubt you have seen or heard some crazy stories about how people got busted driving under the influence. Celebrities are people too!

Stars spend most of their time in the public eye. Paparazzi tends to follow them everywhere they go. And, since they are human just like the rest of us, they make bad decisions from time to time. Check out the craziest celebrity DUI stories!

Jackie Warner – Fitness Guru

In February, fitness queen Jackie Warner was arrested and charged with DUI in West Hollywood.  Apparently, Ms. Warner crashed her car into a pole, and, when an L.A. County Sheriff’s Deputy went to check on her, he had to dive out of the way when she put the car into reverse and began to back up at high speed, and without warning. Allegedly Ms. Warner may have been “sleep driving” under the influence of prescription drug Ambien. Because of her reckless behavior, they charged her with felony assault with a deadly weapon. How’s that for one of the craziest celebrity DUI stories?

Plies The Rapper

Florida Rapper, Plies, was arrested in Tampa, Florida last month for DUI. He was busted driving…get this..without a SHOE and going the wrong way down a one-way street. To add insult to injury Plies refused to take a breathalyzer test, which means he loses his license for a year automatically. Even if he isn’t convicted of DUI, he’s going to be walking wherever he goes for a while. Let’s hope there aren’t any one-way sidewalks!

Weston Cage

Although not technically a celebrity himself, Weston Cage is the son of Nicholas Cage, who most definitely IS a celebrity. Queue up that embarrassment I spoke about in the intro of this article. What makes his arrest crazy is the police chase. Yep, you read that right. Weston fled police in San Fernando in the middle of the afternoon, on a Saturday. No, that isn’t the crazy part.  Apparently, he was in a fender-bender with another driver and, while they were trading insurance cards, he thought the cops were coming, and he fled the scene. What is crazy, is that during the chase he nailed a bunch of mailboxes, and a street sign, before finally hitting a tree and…losing a wheel. Pretty insane to run from the cops if you asked me.

Michael Floyd – NFL Player

Picture this; it’s nearly 3:00 Am on a Monday morning. And you pull up behind a Cadillac Escalade stopped at a traffic light. Not too unusual, right? Except that the traffic light is GREEN. And then, you sit and watch that light go through two rotations from green to red, and back to green again.

At this point, police approached the vehicle to find Floyd fast asleep at the wheel, mouth wide open and snoring. Once they finally woke him, and after several attempts to get him to exit the vehicle, he had a bunch of conflicting details to share with police regarding how much he had been drinking. And we may never find out because Floyd refused to take a breath test. Not the smartest play in the playbook.

Vince Young

Maybe it’s all the whacks to the helmet, but it seems as though NFL players get busted for DUI more often than other celebs. Busted in January for DUI, ex-NFL player Vince Young (Tenessee Titans, Philadelphia Eagles), got a pretty good plea deal. His blood alcohol content was THREE TIMES the legal limit when he was stopped for drifting across multiple lanes of traffic. Now, most drunk drivers swerve and drift, so that’s not so unusual, what IS crazy is exactly how inebriated Vince was when they tested him. So he will be serving 18 months of probation and do 60 hours of community service.

Last Call

I hope you learned something from some of the craziest celebrity DUI stories. Getting caught driving under the influence is a problem for the average Joe. But, when you are a celebrity, it is an even BIGGER deal. Not only do you have to deal with all of the consequences of your actions like everyone else,  but you also get to do it in front of hundreds of millions of people. Hope they all had a great DUI Lawyer!

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