Will I Have to Install an Ignition Interlock Device in New Jersey?

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ignition interlock device new jersey

As a serious traffic offense, a DUI conviction in New Jersey can have a wide range of consequences, including harsh fines, the order to attend alcohol education courses, surcharges, increased insurance premiums and possible jail time. In addition, a New Jersey judge may order you to install an ignition interlock device. For more information on ignition interlock devices, please read on, then contact an experienced Mercer County second DUI lawyer soon. Some questions you may have include:

What is an ignition interlock device?

An ignition interlock device is a breath analyzer installed in your car that requires you to blow into it and register a blood alcohol content below 0.05 percent before the vehicle will start.

When do NJ judges order the installation of ignition interlock devices?

The following individuals must install an ignition interlock device during license suspension and for six months to one year following license restoration:

  • First-time offenders who had a blood alcohol content of 0.15 percent or higher
  • Offenders who refuse to submit to an alcohol test
  • Second-time and repeat DUI offenders

Which of your motor vehicles must have an ignition interlock device?

Any vehicle you operate, including motorcycles and autocycles, with no exceptions.

What if I do not have the ignition interlock device installed on a vehicle in New Jersey?

Failure to install a court-ordered ignition interlock device in a vehicle you operate may result in an additional one-year suspension of your driving privileges.

What happens if you have the ignition interlock device removed before your interlock requirement time is over, such as after an accident that totals your vehicle?

You must have the interlock device removed from your vehicle and return the device to your interlock provider. The interlock provider will then notify the Motor Vehicle Commission that you had the device removed. The Motor Vehicle Commission will send you a letter explaining that, until you provide another interlock certificate as proof that you have had a device installed on another vehicle, the State will suspend your driving privileges. You may not legally operate any vehicle without an interlock device installed for the entire term of the court order.

What happens if I can’t operate the ignition interlock device due to a medical condition?

You must contact your physician and obtain a detailed note explaining your condition and why you do not have the ability to operate the interlock device. Then, you must present the note to your interlock manufacturer who will forward the note to the Motor Vehicle Commission for consideration.

Speak with a skilled Mercer County DUI lawyer for any additional questions.


If you face a criminal matter, contact The Law Office of Douglas Herring to schedule your initial consultation.

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