What Are The Consequences for a Probation Violation In New Jersey?

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Probation is a period of court-ordered supervision, given in place of jail time or even following time served. During your probationary period, you will have to abide by certain rules. Break even one rule and you could be resentenced. If you’ve been accused of violating the terms of your probation, please read on, then contact an experienced Mercer County probation violation lawyer to learn what the consequences are for a probation violation in New Jersey.

Consequences for a probation violation in New Jersey

In New Jersey, a defendant can be placed on probation for up to five years. At any time, the court may issue a warrant for the arrest of a probationer, if he or she violates any of the terms or conditions during his or her probationary term. Then, he or she can be charged with a violation of probation, have their non-custodial sentence revoked and be resentenced to a jail or prison term. Nonetheless, New Jersey courts are given significant leeway in determining the appropriate punishments. Depending on the severity of your probation violation, you may be warned, given additional conditions or sent to jail or prison. You should never make assumptions.

What are the most common probation violations in New Jersey?

Probation violations take many forms. The most common are as follows:

  • Missing regular visits with an assigned probation officer
  • Nonattendance of court-ordered drug or alcohol treatment, or special classes
  • Failing periodic drug tests
  • Unemployment
  • Going outside a designated geographic area
  • Breaking curfew
  • Nonpayment of fines or restitution
  • Refusing to submit to a warrantless search
  • Failure to register as a sex offender, if your crime was sexual
  • Not installing an interlock device on your vehicle, if you’ve had multiple DUI convictions
  • Not completing community service
  • Associating with criminals or crime-ridden areas
  • Possession of weapons
  • Committing any other crimes or infractions

How can a New Jersey probation violation lawyer help you?

As previously indicated, probation violations are not limited to the actions listed above. There are countless other conditions, including ones specific to your unique case, that you might not even be aware of. Furthermore, many of these conditions might be needlessly or unrealistically restrictive. Reaching out to a skilled Mercer County criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference between a warning and a lengthy prison sentence.


Here at the Law Office of Douglas Herring, we believe that everyone accused of a crime is entitled to due process. No one facing a criminal matter should proceed without a competent attorney on their side. We are here to listen to your case, determine the best strategy going forward, and fight for your rights. Contact us today so we can get started. 

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