How Can I Be Removed Off Megan’s Law as a Registered Sex Offender?

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In 1994, a seven year-old girl named Megan Kanka was raped and murdered by her neighbor in Hamilton Township, Mercer County. The murder attracted national attention and caused the New Jersey legislature to create the “Megan’s Law,” which requires the life-long registration of people convicted of sexual offenses, under N.J.S.A. 2C:7-2. In 1996 this became a federal law so that all states could notify the public of a registered sex offender’s presence, and in 2016 it became a requirement for foreign governments to be notified when a US citizen who is a registered sex offender entered their country.

Are Your Registered For The Rest Of Your Life?

In New Jersey, the legislature, however, added a safety valve provision to allow some people to complete the registration requirement eventually. Under section f, the law allows as follows:

“f. Except as provided in subsection g. of this section, a person required to register under this act may make application to the Superior Court of this State to terminate the obligation upon proof that the person has not committed an offense within 15 years following conviction or release from a correctional facility for any term of imprisonment imposed, whichever is later, and is not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others.”

This created a possibility, beginning in 2009, for the courts to release some people from the registration requirements eventually.

Requirements For Release From Registration

The requirements for a judge to release a person from the registration requirements are as follows:

  • 1) You were convicted of only one sex offense.
  • 2) The offense was not Aggravated Sexual Assault or Sexual Assault with Force.
  • 3) You have been in the community for 15 years without committing any offenses. (If you were younger than 14 years-old, you can apply after turning eighteen.)
  • 4) You are no longer a threat to society.

What To Expect If You Are Eligible

If you think that you are eligible, Mr. Herring is prepared to represent you in getting the motion granted by the court.

We will prepare our motion thoroughly so you have every chance to demonstrate why you should be released from the registration requirement. Prior to filing your motion, Mr. Herring will arrange to have a doctor examine you and prepare a report to the judge whether or not you pose a threat to the community. We will supplement to motion with letters and documents to show that you are not a danger to society. Mr. Herring will represent you at any hearing.

You have been living a law-abiding life for the past 15 years and you are looking at a lifetime requirement from a single event in your past. This stigma follows you everywhere. Not only does the law stop you from certain types of jobs, many employers, volunteer organizations, and other people will hold the registration requirements against you. Because of the significant consequences to you from registering for the rest of your life, it is important to immediately hire an experienced New Jersey criminal law attorney to make the best possible request to release you from the registration.

Hire A New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyer Today!

Hiring a former prosecutor who now practices criminal defense can make the difference for you. If you are interested in being released from the registration requirements of Megan’s Law, please contact New Jersey criminal defense attorney Douglas Herring for a free consultation. You can call our office at (844) NJAccused or (844) 652-2287 or (609) 256-4098, or reach us by completing the form on our contact page or by sending an e-mail. We are available every day of the year, 24 hours a day.

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