Douglas Herring Receives Advanced-Level AAPDA Training On Winning DUI Cases Using Finger Dexterity

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Recently, Douglas Herring, Esq. has received advanced-level training from the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys on how to win DUI cases based on the driver’s finger dexterity at the time of their arrest. Law enforcement officers are typically trained to determine whether drivers are under the influence of alcohol based on, among other factors, finger dexterity, or lack thereof. They are taught that alcohol goes to the muscles, and if a person fumbles or drops their wallet or other documents when being questioned, they may be under the influence of alcohol. However, if a skilled lawyer can get the officer to testify that the driver did not have any finger dexterity problems at the time of their apprehension, then they can potentially use this to prove that the driver did not have an impairing level of alcohol in their system.

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