If you face CDL DUI charges, please read on, then contact an experienced Mercer County DUI lawyer to learn what you should know about a commercial driver’s license DUI in New Jersey.
What constitutes a commercial driver’s license DUI in New Jersey?
The state of New Jersey has always been tough on drunk drivers, especially those who drive for a living. If you hold a Commercial Driver’s License, the legal Blood Alcohol Content limit is 0.04%, not 0.08%. The law expects higher standards from commercial drivers and so the penalties are that much harsher.
What penalties do you face for a commercial driver’s license DUI in New Jersey?
The penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol will depend on the number of times, if any, you have previously sustained convictions for this offense and your level of intoxication. The penalties are as follows:
1st offense commercial driver’s license DUI:
- 1-year automatic suspension of your commercial driver’s license
- $250 to $400 in fines
- 12 to 48 hours at an intoxicated driver resource center
- Up to 30 days in jail
1st offense commercial driver’s license DUI (Blood Alcohol Content of 0.10% or higher)
- 1-year automatic suspension of your commercial driver’s license
- $300 to $500 in fines
- 12 to 48 hours at an intoxicated driver resource center
- Up to 30 days in jail
2nd offense commercial driver’s license DUI
- Lifetime commercial driver’s license revocation
- $500 to $1,000 in fines
- 12 to 48 hours at an intoxicated driver resource center
- 48 hours to 90 days in jail
- 30 days of community service
As you can no doubt see, the penalties for driving while intoxicated with a commercial driver’s license are quite steep. The Garden State does not offer hardship or conditional licenses, so if you drive for a living, you will probably be unemployed during your license suspension. As such, you should reach out to a skilled Mercer County criminal defense lawyer to discuss your next steps.
What can a Mercer County DUI lawyer do for you?
As we have outlined above, any conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol with a commercial driver’s license can cost you dearly. The Garden State is unforgiving and prosecutors will do everything in their power to punish you. But you may have cause for hope. A qualified legal professional will know if authorities have violated your rights and respond accordingly. If nothing else, our firm will inform you of the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Do not go it alone. Give us a call today.
Here at the Law Office of Douglas Herring, we believe that everyone accused of a crime is entitled to due process. No one facing a criminal matter should proceed without a competent attorney on their side. We are here to listen to your case, determine the best strategy going forward, and fight for your rights. Contact us today so we can get started.