Will You Lose Your Car After a DUI in New Jersey?

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Alexander Pope once said, “To err is human.” Unfortunately, some errors are also criminal offenses according to the state of New Jersey. If you face charges of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, please read on, then contact an experienced Mercer County DUI lawyer to learn if you will lose your car after a DUI in New Jersey.

Can your car be taken away after a DUI in New Jersey?

If you are arrested for driving while intoxicated or for refusing to submit to a breath test, the police must impound the vehicle you were driving. After the 12-hour mandatory impoundment period, you can reclaim your car or send someone to reclaim it on your behalf.

What are the consequences of a DUI in New Jersey?

If you are driving and your blood alcohol content is 0.08% or above, then you are in violation of New Jersey law. For this type of driving under the influence charge, it does not matter whether you are still able to drive safely. If your blood alcohol content exceeds the legal limit, this alone will establish your criminal culpability. If a court convicts you of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs you face the following penalties:

First offense:

  • Fines and fees of approximately $650 to $1,000
  • Up to 30 days in jail
  • Up to 48 hours of driver instruction at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
  • $1,000 per year surcharges for 3 years
  • Suspension of driver’s license for 3 to 12 months

Second offense:

  • Up to $1,500 in fines and fees
  • Up to 90 days in jail
  • 30 days of community service
  • 48 hours of driver instruction at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
  • $1,000 per year surcharges for 3 years
  • Suspension of driver’s license for 2 years
  • The installation of an ignition interlock device

Third offense:

  • Minimum fine of $1,000
  • Mandatory imprisonment in the county jail of not less than 180 days
  • 90 days of community service
  • 48 hours of driver instruction at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
  • $4,500 in automobile insurance surcharges over a 3 year period
  • Suspension of driver’s license for 10 years
  • The installation of an ignition interlock device

How can a Mercer County DUI lawyer help you?

Reaching out to a skilled Mercer County criminal defense lawyer to discuss your next steps can make all the difference in the severity of the penalties you will incur. You are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or guilty plea. We will fight to keep it that way. Give us a call today.


Here at the Law Office of Douglas Herring, we believe that everyone accused of a crime is entitled to due process. No one facing a criminal matter should proceed without a competent attorney on their side. We are here to listen to your case, determine the best strategy going forward, and fight for your rights. Contact us today so we can get started. 

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