Are DUI Checkpoints Used on New Year’s Eve?

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DUI checkpoints are a valuable tool that can be used to counteract drunk driving. While they are not generally used every day, they can prove beneficial during high-risk times like holidays. Although New Year’s Eve can be filled with fun festivities, it is one of the deadliest nights of the year for fatal drunk driving accidents. Typically, more alcohol is purchased on December 31st than on any other day of the year in the U.S. With this fact in mind, police departments nationwide may implement DUI checkpoints on New Year’s Eve to reduce the number of intoxicated drivers on the road and therefore auto collisions. Continue reading to learn more about DUI checkpoints and work with a Mercer County DUI lawyer for legal representation during your case.

What is a DUI Checkpoint?

DUI checkpoints, also referred to as sobriety checkpoints, are stations where police set up temporary roadblocks to identify and arrest impaired drivers. At these checkpoints, law enforcement officers stop vehicles at predetermined intervals such as every other car. During these stops the officer may ask the driver a series of questions and request to see their documentation.

At the checkpoint, officers are looking for the following information.

  1. Documentation: Drivers will be asked for their license and registration as well as insurance information. The officer may run this information to check for outstanding warrants or issues.
  2. Signs of intoxication: Officers will observe your behavior and look for physical signs of impairment like slurred speech, the smell of alcohol, erratic behavior, etc.
  3. Field sobriety test: Depending on what they observe the officer may perform a field sobriety test to assess your coordination, balance, and cognitive abilities.
  4. Breathalyzer: They may also ask you to submit to a breathalyzer, especially if you fail the field sobriety test. The breathalyzer measures your blood alcohol content.

If you are sober you will be able to drive off after a few minutes. However, if the officer believes you are intoxicated you could be detained or arrested.

Are DUI Checkpoints Often Used on New Year’s Eve?

New Year’s Eve is one of the best times for officers to make use of DUI checkpoints. The holiday is notorious for significant alcohol consumption and a spike in drunk driving accidents. The mere presence of a DUI checkpoint can help deter individuals from getting behind the wheel after drinking.

The stops help identify drunk drivers and get them off the road to reduce the risk of accidents, helping to ensure public safety and potentially save lives.

DUI checkpoints, though controversial to some, provide many benefits to the general public and help keep roads safe. If you require legal assistance reach out to a skilled attorney at the Law Office of Douglas Herring.

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