10 Things to Know About New Jersey’s Intoxicated Driver Program

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New Jersey’s Intoxicated Driver Program (IDP) is a comprehensive plan to address violators of drug or alcohol crimes after conviction. The purpose is to intervene, educate and reduce these types of crimes. Many people confuse it for the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC). There are many IDRCs in New Jersey, which the IDP manages. Consuming too much alcohol or any illegal drugs and operating a car or boat will likely result in a conviction. As such, anyone facing the consequences must work with The NJ IDP. Depending on the severity of the crime and the individual need, New Jersey’s Intoxicated Driver Program may provide drug screenings, drug and alcohol treatment or treatment referrals.

The IDP works with several state-run organizations to provide drug and alcohol violators with all of its services. To learn more about New Jersey’s Intoxicated Driver Program, read on.

1. The Intoxicated Driver Program Offers Addiction Treatment

Those who need addiction treatment can get referrals through the program. In addition, individuals who cannot afford to pay for treatment may qualify for help through the Driving Under the Influence Initiative (DUII) fund. Basic eligibility requirements include:

  • The person must be a resident of New Jersey
  • Have a DUI conviction after October 17, 2005
  • Adhere to clinical assessment
  • Provide financial documentation

2. There are many Intoxicated Driving Resource Centers across the State

An Intoxicated Driver Resource Center is where enrollees go to:

  • Take their court-ordered education classes
  • Attend treatment or self-help groups
  • Watch presentations on impaired driving

Letters typically notify you of the location where you must follow up. You can learn more about the IDRC locations and contact information here.

3. IDP Manages Out-of-State Offenders

Out-of-state drivers who violate the traffic laws by driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol must conform to the Intoxicated Driver Program’s requirements. After the conviction, the IDP mails out-of-state drivers’ information regarding how to satisfy the program stipulations.

Individuals who live within an hour of New Jersey must attend the nearest IDRC in NJ. Those who live more than an hour outside of NJ must take action in their home state. Even so, all driver restoration and program fees go to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.

4. The IDP Works Together on a Team

To coordinate all of the services available to its clients, the IDP works alongside the:

  • Department of Human Services
  • Administrative Office of the Courts
  • New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission

The IDP helps to determine each person’s required level of participation in education programs, treatment, or screenings.

5. Keep Our Roads and Waterways Safe

Not only does New Jersey’s Intoxicated Driver Program educate and manage people drug and alcohol violators, it keeps us all safe in the process. By educating and providing the necessary treatment from substance or alcohol abuse, the IDP reduces the number of people operating vehicles while under the influence.

6. There are Different Programs

Not everyone requires the same treatment. That’s why there are different programs for different traffic violators. Some of the programs you may encounter as a post-conviction enrollee include:

  • 12-hour IDRC class – Broken down into two consecutive six-hour days
  • 48-hour IDRC class – The individual stays at the IDRC for 48 straight hours

These programs discuss the NJ Intoxicated Driving Law, the effects of alcohol and drugs on family and relationships, and the stages of alcoholism.

7. What about multiple-time offenders?

People with three or more offenses may face:

  • Two days of jail time
  • An inpatient addictions treatment program
  • 12-hour IDRC follow-up course

Also, your license suspension remains indefinitely, among other consequences.

8. There is Trouble for Non-Compliance

Those who do not adhere to conviction requirements:

  • Get a warning notice and 10 days to respond
  • Receive a Non-Compliance notification after the 10 days expire. You get 30 days to comply.
  • After 30 days without complying, you can go to jail for two days
  • Your driver’s license faces indefinite suspension

9. What else happens at the IDRC?

Upon arrival at your IDRC, you answer a questionnaire and meet with a counselor for a personal interview. You must also pay a fee and take any of your courses at the designated location.

10. What happens to my driver license?

Upon satisfactory completion of your court-ordered treatment and education, you can get your license reinstated through the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.

Speak to a Criminal Defense Attorney Who Can Help You

Are you in need of an attorney who can help with your criminal conviction? Are you facing drug or alcohol violations and curious about your options? Call the Law Office of Douglass Herring at (609) 201-0155. Defending citizens in the Princeton area, our legal team specializes in criminal defense and DWI defense cases. Speak to a member of our legal team to set up a free consultation today.

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