10 Facts to Know About Ketamine

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What exactly is Ketamine? Depending on who you ask, you might get a few different answers. Ketamine is the generic name for the drug Ketalar, but it’s mostly referred to as Ketamine. Ketamine is a medication used for anesthesia and inducing unconsciousness in medical settings. However, as more people experiment with this drug, both its uses and risks have begun to expand. That’s why so many medical experts want to know about Ketamine and its effects. There appears to be a wide range of potential groundbreaking treatments, as well as dangers with abuse and addiction. While ketamine and has been heavily researched, there’s still so much more we need to understand about this drug. Here are the top ten facts everyone should know about Ketamine.

1. Federal Government Approved Ketamine in 1970

Ketamine was created as a means to quickly induce a loss of consciousness in 1962. It was primarily used with animals until it was approved in 1970 by the US government to be used on humans. Surgeons and doctors realized its capabilities to produce unconsciousness without reducing the breathing rate or heart rate of a patient. It was popular for being incredibly effective on the battlefield during the Vietnam War.

2. Ketamine is Considered a Club Drug

Soon after it was realized as a medical drug, Ketamine hit the recreational scene because of its dissociative properties. Ketamine can bring on a blissful trance-like state with possible hallucinations and visuals. This made it very popular amongst a generation that was into experimentation with psychedelics and hallucinogens. This continued on throughout the 70’s and 80’s. Ketamine is still considered a club drug amongst young adults today. 

3. Ketamine is Classified as a Schedule III Drug

In the United States, Ketamine is classified as a Schedule III Drug. Drugs that are placed in this category are considered to have less potential for abuse than drugs labeled as Schedule I or II. These drugs might lead to dependence, but their primary uses are for medical reasons. Ketamine has different classifications in every country.

4. Ketamine Has a Variety of Street Names

One major fact you need to know about Ketamine is that it has many different street names. Many individuals will hear these names and not even realize the connection. Ketamine can be referred to as:

  • Special K
  • Vitamin K
  • Kit Kat
  • Purple
  • Cat Valium
  • Jet
  • Super Acid

5. Potential Treatment for Depression

One fact medical experts appear to know about ketamine is that it has the potential to treat depression. Since depression affects more than 300 million people globally, this is a very inspiring discover. There is still a lot of research that needs to be collected before FDA approval. However, many pharmaceutical companies are already investing in creating drugs with Ketamine to treat depression.

6. Ketamine Has Both Short and Long-Term Effects

It’s important to understand that there are both short and long-term effects of Ketamine. Short-term effects include possible hallucinations, euphoria, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, nightmares, vivid dreams, or illusions. Long-term Ketamine use can also lead to irritative urinary tract symptoms cognitive deficits, such as memory loss.

7. Teens Should Know About Ketamine

Research shows that most abusers of Ketamine are between the ages of 15-25. About 3% of high school students admit to trying Ketamine at least once. This is why it’s important to speak with your teen about this drug. More than likely, they’ve already been exposed to it or know someone who has. Also, teens should know about Ketamine because its often used as a date rape drug. Because it can easily cause paralysis or unconsciousness, they should be aware of anyone with access to Ketamine.

8. Ketamine is Addictive

One of the most important things to know about Ketamine is that it’s highly addictive and can lead to physical dependence. Because Ketamine can cause feelings of euphoria or bliss, it can easily be abused. If you know someone who might be addicted, it’s important to get them help right away. There are various recovery programs that are designed to help with withdrawals from this drug.

9. You Can Overdose on Ketamine

While it’s not common, it is possible to overdose on Ketamine, especially if it’s injected or snorted. However, there’s also a lot of danger in simply having too much Ketamine without reaching a point of overdose. For instance, Ketamine can cause difficulty in breathing and paralysis. Both of these effects can be fatal if not treated properly.

10. Ketamine is Illegal Without a Prescription

In addition to abuse and physical dependency, Ketamine is also illegal. Everyone should understand that there are legal consequences for trying this drug without a prescription. Doctors are usually careful about writing prescriptions for Ketamine. However, any Ketamine found on the streets is most likely stolen from those prescribed or illegally taken from veterinary clinics.

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